Our Projects


Tembe Art Studio

Tembe Art studio knowing as TAS is lokated in the old hospital building off Suralco in the center of Moengo In this compuend creative people come togther to share experiences and knowlegde with eachtother. A workplace where children take weekly classes in dance, visual art and musical expression. The classes are taught by local and international artists In the same building is hosted CAMM II, recording studio, rehersalstudio, residency, opene theater, Tourist office and the Kibii Wi Koni research center


International Residence Program

Every year, Kibii Foundation welcomes various national and international artists who contribute To the expansion of ArtPark Moengo, in collaboration with the local community. Artists has been invited over the years to spend time and working with the cals in Moengo and the region From 1 week up to 3 months period The artists has to be creative indepenent and willing to work in and with the community Together they will create an artwork, object for the Artparc This artobject has to play a role in the social life of the community


Contemporary Art Museum Moengo

The Contemporary Art Museum Moengo has two locations: CAMM I & CAMM II.
CAMM I offers a selection of the national renowned oeuvre of visual artist Marcel Pinas.
In CAMM II there are temporary exhibitions of national and international artists. CAMM I is host in a former spermarket of the multinational Suralco wich now belang to the Electric company of Suriname

CAMM II is host in the old hospital of Suralco located at the juliana straat 7, Moengo These two spaces is to educate the locals aspecilly the kids about mordenr Art related to their own culture and others and also to create an interesting spot in the world for visitors to see interesting art in a other enviroment then usual

Art Parc

Marowijne Art Parc

This artparc has been started with the first art object of Moiwana ,the faaka tiki installation at the entrance of Moengo and the AFAKA installation at Abadu kondre in the 2005


Masanga guesthouse and restaurant

Restaurant Masanga is located in ArtPark Moengo. Masanga offers employment possibility to eight women. The restaurant also trains young people to catering staff and stimulates local production by working with local products.

When project start in Moengo to work with the community we had to rent space or some times because of the lack of rooms we had to drive back to Paramaribo. Friends and Suralco made it possible to have two building that we have transform in to places where we can host visitors and for a restaurant There two type of facilities 2 large apartement with 3 bedrooms, 2 small apartments with 2 bedrooms and 8 rooms with bath, toilet and airconditioned.

Research Center

Kibii Wi Koni research center

With Kibii Wi Koni Maroon Research Center, Kibii Foundation wants to study and archive the past, present and future of the culture of the Maroons and present the knowledge to the widest possible audience. Through the actiities we have been organized over the years we came to the conclussions the we have not present our self to the fullest because we do not know our self yet . This is the reason why we have decided to educated our self more about our cultures and history.
The wildest dream is that over 15 year to realize the Moengo uniersity based on traditional Maroon/Amerindian knowledge Special program will be developed to train trainers and specialist who will educate our own people and outsiders .


Training facilties in Moengo Tapoe, Ricanau mofo and Oia-olo

In three villages together with ARA foundation of Germany we have built three training facilities in Ricanau mofo, Ovia- olo and Moengo tapoe . These facilities were needed to work with the cummunities in these three villages The plan is to facilitate them with the basic equipment to educate them self through the train the trainers program Basic equipment e.g. beamer, video player, books, material to paint and drw, sport material ect.


Recording studio

The recording studio is set up in 2014 with grant from alcoa foundation with the basic instrument to record music from local music groups. Local musicians had to pay alot of money for recording tracks and most of the time they have to leave for paramaribo .
In 2013 when we had the first music festival we had realized that is will be better to facilitate music groups with one album every year in returning for free performance every year during the festival. Local engineers has been trained by Ricardo Steeman to work in the studio and the first recording were done by Basta didtals, the Abionie's and Prince Kolonie


Rehearsal studio

The rehearsal studio is to facilitate the local music groups to practice since they do not have music instruments. All musicians can book a slot for rent at low cost to do rehearsals. In the studio we have the basic instruments e.g. bass guitar, keyboard, drum, mics, solo guitar


Editing studio

This is a space where the local filmmakers can edit the recordings. Camera’s, editing computer are available at a low cost to stimulate the film industry in Moengo and region.


Moengo Festival

Every year, Kibii Foundation organizes the Moengo Festival in collaboration with the community and with national and international artists and curators. In the context of education, young people are actively engaged in the production of Moengo Festival. Also, they are offered a stage in the side programming. Every edition the theme of the festival switches between four disciplines: dance & theatre, music and visual art:
2013 – Moengo Festival of Music
2104 – Moengo Festival of Theatre & Dance
2015 – Moengo Festival of Visual Arts
2016 – Moengo Festival of Music II
2017 – Moengo Festival of Theatre & Dance II
2018 – Moengo Festival of Visual Arts II
2019 – Moengo Festival of Music III

With the organization of this Moengo Festival, Kibii Foundation wants to induce an impulse in Moengo. At the same time, she strives to achieve a positive view on art (in all its forms) among the Surinamese population. She does this by making various art forms accessible for a large and diverse audience during the festival. With the national and international character of the festival, Kibii Foundation wants to position Moengo as cultural capital of Suriname.



Local artist is facilitated to have exposure for ,paintings ,sculptures and other fornm of art


Graft shop

Local products is for sale at the craft shops


Tourist Office

The administration is now used as tourist office Visitors will get informations regarding gusthouses, restaurants, boats, tours and other activities in the Moengo area

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